Bach Brothers | Prefabricated container home baches . Commissioned in 2014, to help produce the initial concept design and marketing images for enticing investors to help finance the first batch of production for a new startup Bach Brothers. The st
ext03a - living ext.jpg
 Exterior render on-site. The container is closed-up for the Winter/off-season.
Interior render of the living room.
Interior render of bathroom
int03 - bedroom.jpg
  Bach Brothers | Prefabricated container home baches . Commissioned in 2014, to help produce the initial concept design and marketing images for enticing investors to help finance the first batch of production for a new startup Bach Brothers. The st

Bach Brothers | Prefabricated container home baches. Commissioned in 2014, to help produce the initial concept design and marketing images for enticing investors to help finance the first batch of production for a new startup Bach Brothers. The start-up aims to build and deliver prefabricated baches out of re-purposed shipping containers. Designed and manufactured locally in New Zealand.

Year: 2014 | Status: Concept

ext03a - living ext.jpg
 Exterior render on-site. The container is closed-up for the Winter/off-season.

Exterior render on-site. The container is closed-up for the Winter/off-season.

Interior render of the living room.
Interior render of the living room.
Interior render of bathroom
Interior render of bathroom
int03 - bedroom.jpg